News All the latest news and creative projects from Cotton & Cogs cotton_and_cogs Artist - loves all things hand crafted. Mixed media artwork. Ceramics. Embroidery, crochet & knitting. Steampunk inspired jewellery and accessories. This piece has taken 1 month and 10 days - and str I love building up layers of underglazes, and blen I’ve had a lovely afternoon with the door to the New stock now live! I’m so excited to bring you Shop update incoming! Here’s a sneaky peek of Putting one thing away before I start playing with Having a lovely Sunday working on a new piece for Working on the examples for the upcoming two part So lucky to be part of an amazing creative communi I love flowers in the house - I think it is someth Very excited to try my new sculpting tools from @s I couldn’t be without my tablets, but sometimes Just home from the breathtaking #Soil exhibition a What is this life if full of care we have no time It’s amazing. Yesterday I was all anxious, today Spring has stung! I love my nettle patch in the b I am no Man! Bring on the Nazgûl 🤣 Happy Wor This is your friendly reminder to get outside! I Happy Tuesday! Sleepy Dog and I are making the mo It’s far too glorious a day to be inside - so I Load More Follow on Instagram